Speak the Difference 5.0- Gleaners
For our 5th Speak the Difference Fundraiser, we made it the best one yet! With the help of businesses, donors, and registrations we were able to donate $48,468 to Gleaners Community Food Bank! This year we added 3 new competitions and we had a great turnout! We would like to thank all our sponsors and donors for supporting us this year! With the help of our new board members (Kanal Patel, Riya Munot, Aparna Reddy., Krish Ghosalkar, and Shaarav Shah), we were able to make this event successful. We supported Gleaners this year because they raised awareness that so many students are hungry in Southeast Michigan. Headquartered in Detroit, Gleaners operates five distribution centers in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston and Monroe counties and provides food to 528 partner soup kitchens, food pantries, shelters, and other agencies throughout southeast Michigan. In 2018, Gleaners distributed more than 43 million pounds of food to neighbors in need! On average, Gleaners distributes 96,000 meals each day including providing nourishing food and nutrition education to 171,000 children a year. Every dollar donated provides three meals and 93 cents of every donated dollar goes to food and food programs. Gleaners is a vital link between available food and those who need it most. Local and national producers have surplus food that may otherwise go to waste for lack of a way to safely and efficiently bring it to market.
For more information on Gleaners visit: https://www.gcfb.org/
Crossroads Donation Drive-2019
Crossroads is a social service outreach agency with two locations in Detroit. Founded in 1971, Crossroads exists to support the community at large by providing emergency assistance, advocacy, and counseling to anyone in need.
Acting in partnership with many other agencies, parishes, hospitals, companies and organizations in the metro area, Crossroads offers assistance in the form of a hand-up. They work with clients to meet their immediate needs and help them assess their situations to lessen the likelihood of future problems. Their efforts are funded by foundations, individuals, and friends who are committed to bringing hope to those living on the edge of despair.
Key2Finesse decided to hold a drive and were able to gather numerous donations!
For more information on Crossroads visit: https://crossroadsofmichigan.org/

Speak the Difference 4.0- Easterseals
For this event, we have partnered with Easterseals Michigan, a wonderful organization that addresses an issue that's more relevant than ever: Mental Health. Easterseals Michigan works to change the way the world defines and views mental disabilities by making a profound positive difference in people’s lives every day. They work to go above and beyond, and to ensure that each child gets the specialized treatment they need. We raised a large amount of around $34,000.
For more information on Easterseals, visit: http://www.easterseals.com/michigan/
Career Success Symposium 2018
After the tremendous success of our first Career Exploration Symposium last year, Key2Finesse was excited to hold another CES on May 19, 2018. At this event we introduced our new board of Nick Lazrado, Vibha Moorthy, Dhruv Muralidhar, Varad Mulay, Shreya Salwi, and Aarvi Shah. We had countless amazing speakers in all categories, and the event was a huge success with massive turnout and feedback